WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) – June 12, 2018 — The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office says a bracelet is now available that will help them track people with special needs. The families who are getting the opportunity to use this new device say they’re breathing a sigh of relief. When someone has the bracelet on, deputies can use their drones to track them from above so they can be found in minutes.

Mothers Keesha Goldsmith Ritchie and Michelle Weppner both have children on the autism spectrum. They never slow down.

“It’s a 24 hour job, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It’s a crazy life,” said Weppner, whose 12-year-old son has autism.

Ritchie says her son is a runner.

“If you let him go in public, he’s gone,” she said.

When that happens, the fear is crippling.

“Like my life is over. That’s the real feeling,” Ritchie said.

But on Tuesday, the sheriff’s office gave them a free device to calm their fears; a tracking bracelet from Project Lifesaver that can locate anyone who has it on.

“Instead of us just wondering around looking for a child that may be wearing these clothes, now we’re looking for a child that’s submitting an RF frequency that we can help locate,” Capt. Kenneth Voiret said.

“Within seconds or minutes project lifesaver can save his life. Or others. It’s a good thing,” Weppner said.

These bracelets can range in price from $200 to $800.

The sheriff’s office was able to pay for these bracelets with a grant from the state. They gave six out already and have 14 more.

Although PBSO is only able to give a limited number out for free, you can buy your own online: https://projectlifesaver.org

Source: www.cbs12.com/news/local/project-lifesaver-bracelet-helps-track-special-needs-children-adults.

About EagleEye Intelligence

EagleEye Intelligence, based in Boca Raton, FL provides end-to-end Real-Time Tactical Intelligence Solutions for Public Safety and Security. The company’s STRAX® Platform and IER™ Intelligent Event Response technology delivers real-time video, data intelligence and advanced analytics, unifying IP Cameras UAS/drones and connected equipment into one common operating picture for comprehensive situational awareness and faster response during critical incidents and emergency situations. For more information, visit www.eagleeyeintelligence.com.