The Company

Omni-ID has developed original, patented technologies for on-metal and visual tagging to enable a broad range of applications to improve asset tracking, supply chain management, and work-in-process within a wide range of applications for a growing list of the world’s largest companies. Omni-ID is the leading supplier of RFID tags and visual tagging systems for Manufacturing and Logistics, Energy, IT Assets, and Tool Tracking. Omni-ID’s versatile family of products provides a complete range of tags and auto-ID solutions for tracking and identification challenges, with unprecedented accuracy, in any environment.

The Partnership

Topmark had a long relationship with Omni-ID’s lead investor, with whom we had previously successfully co-invested. We were attracted by Omni-ID’s differentiated product suite and adoption across multiple industries with Fortune 500 repeat customers. Topmark led the two most recent funding rounds by negotiating terms and leading legal. Through active board leadership, Topmark pursued financial analysis of the company by business line to more effectively direct resources and increase profitability.

Topmark invested in Omni-ID through a legacy fund and exited its investment with the sale of the company to HID in 2021.